我們穿過熙來攘往的街道,跑到了太平洋沿岸;甚至穿越過河流。一千一百公里後,我們終於繞著台灣,跑回了台中。我們這樣做並不是因為好玩,或是為了運動 - 我們這樣做是為了幫助光音育幼院的孩子們,為他們募款。雖然我們只是在學校跑步,每週把大家所跑的公里數加總起來,但我們也花了時間來了解沿途有趣的地方。最重要的是,我們喜歡幫助別人。就像四年級學生粘惠如所說的,”我覺得這個活動幫助我,更會去為別人著想。
We passed through bustling streets, ran up the Pacific coast, and even swam across rivers. Eleven hundred kilometers later, we finally made it around the ROC and back to Taichung. We didn’t do it for fun or for the exercise – we did it to raise money for the students at Guang Yin (光音) Foster Center in Taichung. Although students ran at school and added up the kilometers weekly, we took the time to learn about interesting places along the journey. And most importantly, we enjoyed helping others. As fourth-grader Daphne Nien said, “I think this activity helped me to think of others more.”
Pi & Xi孩子們藉由WTW課程,利用下課時間跑操場及活動中心,以跑台灣一圈里程數為目標並介紹台灣各地好吃、好玩的地點,然後藉由跑步活動替光音育幼院的孩子募款,經過近一學期努力讓全校的教職員非常感動的是孩子們達到了目標!跑完台灣一圈的里程數;因此創辦人帶領Pi & Xi班學生,將全校教職員的愛心,轉交光音育幼院並送上全校教職員及學生們的祝福!